About Us
The Trust
The Guardians of Kapiti Marine Reserve trust (GoKMR) is a registered charitable trust (CC54807). GoKMR was officially registered on the 17th of September 2017 following a well-attended public meeting that was held in August 2016 to provide the local community with an opportunity to discuss their concerns regarding the management of Kāpiti marine reserve. The trust’s purpose is to advance and promote the conservation and protection of the Kāpiti Marine Reserve and surrounding marine environment for the benefit of the local community now and for future generations.
To achieve this we:
- Undertake, promote and support education, recreation, ecotourism, science, research and monitoring activities within Kāpiti Marine Reserve and the surrounding marine environment
- Promote, and increase the public understanding of the value and benefits to the community of the Kāpiti Marine reserve and surrounding marine environment
- Promote and support community connections with and sense of pride and ownership toward Kāpiti marine reserve and the surrounding marine environment
- Encourage and support the Kāpiti community to work together as guardians of the Kāpiti Marine Reserve and surrounding marine environment
Engage with the Department of Conservation (DoC), Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC), Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC), Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) and any other statutory authorities to provide community input into the management of Kāpiti Marine Reserve and the surrounding marine environment and to ensure the management needs of Kāpiti Marine Reserve are met - Raise funds as may be necessary to support the Trust and its purposes
GoKMR trustees form part of a wider local community network of marine users, recreational and commercial fishers, boaties, divers, scientists, educators and conservationists with a shared interest in the management, protection and enhancement of the Kapiti Marine Reserve and surrounding environment. This network includes Tangata Whenua and members of the three local iwi as well as elected representatives from local and regional council and central government.
GoKMR is governed by a board of 10 trustees that meets regularly to coordinate our activities and liaise with government agencies such as DOC to ensure the management needs of the reserve and wider marine area are being met.